These instructions will work for QFloors 6.1x through 6.5x. Use these instructions to import a list City/County/State sales tax data (in QFloors, see File > Preferences > Sales Tax Table). You should read ALL of this document in order to obtain correct results when you import the data into QFloors. You should be familiar with all of the details of setting up and using the Product Catalog in order to better understand these instructions.
IMPORTANT!!! If you are not familiar with using a spreadsheet program, you will need to acquire the services of someone who does.
- The CSV file must be in the format found below in the Rules for CSV File section below.
- Click File on the Menu bar, then select Import, then Sales Tax (CSV).
- Browse to and select the CSV file that you need to import.
Rules for CSV File
The file you import must be in CSV format.
- Header Row
- Cell A1 must contain only the following text: ~~City
That is two tilde characters, followed by the word City, with no spaces. - The first row must be a row of column headings/labels. The following table shows what the contents of the data in those columns will need to be. The text of the headings do not need to match what is listed here for “column contents”, and only cell A1 must contain certain text (see step 1.a. above).
Example for decimal data: 6.1234% should be entered as 6.1234
Column Column Contents Data Type Maximum or Format A ~~City Name Text 50 characters B City Rate Decimal up to 4 decimal places C County Name Text 50 characters D County Rate Decimal up to 4 decimal places E State Name Text 50 characters F State Rate Decimal up to 4 decimal places G Zip Text 50 characters - Your data should start on row 2 of the file.
- Invalid Characters
Do not use the following characters in the CSV file ( )' * , "
Parentheses, single-quote, asterisk, comma, double-quote
- Required Fields
Every row in the following columns must contain data
Column Column Contents A City Name C County Name E State Name