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General Information

Known Issues

  • (4/8/2022) SFTP protocol is being updated for Purchase Orders only.
  • This vendor has a new Company name, has been changed to "All Surfaces".
  • (5/1/2024) All Surfaces has completed the switch of their EDI system.  
    • Thet will now address any/all requests for B2B set up to be processed.


Contact Information

Contact Name: B2B Support
Contact Phone: 
Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How to request B2B credentials: B2B Request: send to contact email address
Docs to Trade: Price Catalog, Send PO / Acknowledgment, Vendor Invoice
B2B Server:  PO B2B Server: (SFTP)
Public IP address is required: No
Vendor Qualifier: ZZ
Vendor Offers B2B File Exchange for Canada: No


Web Services Information

Services Available: None
Web Services:
Client Id: 
End Point: 

All Certified Vendors